Fee Schedule: Naturopathic Medicine & Health Coaching
Discovery Call
The goal of this appointment is to give you an idea of what to expect in working with me before you commit any money or additional time. It’s an opportunity for you to ensure you’re working with the right person. If I'm not the right person to work with you, we can discuss other options. No matter what the outcome is, I'm here to help - even if that means pointing you in another direction. Please allow 20 - 30 minutes for this appointment.
Initial Naturopathic Appointment
During this time, my goal is to get to know you from a whole-person perspective. After booking, you'll be prompted to complete an intake form. I know it's tedious, but a detailed intake form is good for both of us. It is used to capture key pieces of information, so we can dive deeper and achieve more in our 1-1 time together. Lab studies may be required. If you have lab reports that are less than 1 year old, please have a copy ready.
90 Minutes/Book Now
$225 CAD
Initial Health Coaching Consultations
As a certified health coach, I can offer coaching services to non-Ontario residents. This is different from naturopathic care.
We can discuss how I can support you as a health coach, and if that's right for you. Additional care may be suggested.
Please note.
In this capacity, I will be acting as a health consultant, and not as a naturopathic doctor.
90 Minutes/Book a Discovery Call First
$200 CAD
New Patient Experience
The Discovery Call
The goal of this appointment is to give you an idea of what to expect in working with me before you commit any money or additional time. It’s an opportunity for you to ensure you’re working with the right person. Please allow 20 - 30 minutes for this appointment.
All calls are GDPR, HIPAA, and PIPEDA compliant.
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