Your lab results look normal

Now what?

"Everything on your lab test looks normal." If you haven't felt like yourself lately, there's little to no comfort in this statement. You probably want an explanation for persistent health concerns like fatigue, bloating, and weight gain. Even if you think you’re eating well, sleeping enough, walking daily, and so on, you are likely missing a critical piece to the puzzle. Let me help you connect the dots.

Book a Free Discovery Call

New Patient Experience

The Discovery Call

The goal of this appointment is to give you an idea of what to expect in working with me before you commit any money or additional time. It’s an opportunity for you to ensure you’re working with the right person. Please allow 20 - 30 minutes for this appointment. 

All calls are GDPR, HIPAA, and PIPEDA compliant.

Already a patient? Click here to sign in. Book a follow-up.

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via Jane

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Discovery (Free)

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Booking Confirmation
Fee Schedule: Naturopathic Medicine & Health Coaching

Discovery Call

The goal of this appointment is to give you an idea of what to expect in working with me before you commit any money or additional time. It’s an opportunity for you to ensure you’re working with the right person. If I'm not the right person to work with you, we can discuss other options.

No matter what the outcome is, I'm here to help - even if that means pointing you in another direction.

Please allow 20 - 30 minutes for this appointment. 



Initial Naturopathic Appointment

During this time, my goal is to get to know you from a whole-person perspective. After booking, you'll be prompted to complete an intake form. I know it's tedious, but a detailed intake form is good for both of us. It is used to capture key pieces of information, so we can dive deeper and achieve more in our 1-1 time together. Lab studies may be required. If you have lab reports that are less than 1 year old, please have a copy ready.

90 Minutes/Book Now

$225 CAD

Initial Health Coaching Consultations

As a certified health coach, I can offer coaching services to non-Ontario residents. This is different from naturopathic care.

We can discuss how I can support you as a health coach, and if that's right for you. Additional care may be suggested. 

Please note.

In this capacity, I will be acting as a health consultant, and not as a naturopathic doctor. 

90 Minutes/Book a Discovery Call First

$200 CAD

As Featured on CanvasRebel

Media Spotlight

I was recently featured in CanvasRebel!

I had the opportunity to share the pivotal moments that shaped my journey into naturopathic medicine, how I reframed my perspective on weight loss, and the key values that guide my approach to healthcare and medicine.

Check it Out!

Weight Loss Personality Quiz

Do you have 3 minutes?

The typical approach to weight loss treats everyone the same—whether it's low-calorie diets, workout programs, or weight-loss medications. This quiz assesses various factors, including your unique metabolic tendencies, such as how quickly you feel full, how often you get hungry, and how efficiently you burn energy. Once you've completed the quiz, you'll receive your personalized Weight Loss Personality report. This report will provide valuable insights & guidance on how to tailor your weight loss approach.

Take the Quiz & Optimize Your Weight Loss Efforts
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